After reading J.R. Carpenter's statement, I reflected on the evolution of the internet, from handcrafted webpages in the 1990s to the usual templated website we see today. Handmade websites have a distinct style and originality. The use of simple language, images, and links on a page that neither overwhelm or distract... Over the course of 20 years, technological advancements enabled these handcrafted sites to be replaced by artificial intelligence and templates. This, I believe, refers to the excess of dopamine caused by our addiction to technology, as well as the ease and speed with which we now interact with it. We can make things with the click of a button, but only with limited personality. The process of coding and handmaking a website has made me realize how much I rely on quick and easy templates. As artists we want to be original and creative, but the disruption of templates disallows that. At what point is our art not our art anymore?